So much has happened in almost a month. Alex and I took a group of 20 and 30 yr olds to an orphanage just outside of Guatemala City earlier this month. We went to panel some dorms but mostly to love on the children. Our theme versus was in Matt. 19. When people brought the children to Jesus for Him to touch them and bless them, He did just that. He loved on them, blessing them and nothing more; which was even more of a blessing to everyone on the team. Then for our day off we went to Antigua for half a day. The picture here is when the team ate at Posada de Don Rodrigo where Alex and I got to waltz with live musicians!
Alex and I continue to learn mo
re and more of the do and don't when leading a mission trip as a couple. I'm sure that God has a great plan of are all of the knowledge we are gaining. And we are already putting that to use again. We are currently working on another trip we are leading in December so please be in prayer for that. (more details to come).
And another thing we a
re working on is getting Alex through school and not having to work. So part of cutting back we
dropped our cable (TV). Now considering we have only been without any cable at all for almost 24 hours now, we have really enjoyed it. More to come on that.
And lastly (definitely my favorite!) We are coming quickly on our 1 year Wedding Anniversary! Yes that's right, we will have bee
n married for a WHOLE Year on July 5th! The first year went so fast and was so much fun! I lo
ve the memories we had this year (like scuba diving in Jamaica, Skiing at Winter Park, p
ancakes on Saturday morning, riding our bikes to Walmart & the movies for a date, learn
ing to share holidays with two sets of parents, waltzing in Antigua, and so much more)
I'm completely excited about Year #2 will hold for us!!!