I pledge before God to build with you a Christ-centered,
God glorifying marriage as a testimony of His grace.
I pledge to love, honor, and respect you, and to willingly submit to your servant leadership.
I commit to make my relationship with Christ the priority in my life,
and to make our marriage my next priority.
As we seek to glorify God together for the rest of our lives,
I will be beside you for better or worse,
for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health,
forsaking all others.
I will cling to you as long as we both shall live.
By God’s grace I will find new ways to demonstrate His love to you through my actions.
As we continue to discover the unique ways He has designed us for each other,
I will help you as we discover how we can grow closer to God and to each other every day for the rest of our lives.
The above is the majority of the Covenant Promise my Husband and I said as our Wedding Vows on July 5th, 2008. As every couples does I'm sure, we say the vows and mean them BUT may not grasp the the extent of work that will go into them in order to hold true to these Promises. I LOVE my husband but there are good days and "not so good" days. The good days are a breeze but the "not so good" days are challenging.
The below are links to my "Marriage Tips". I'm not saying they are fool proof (not even close to that) and that you'll have the "perfect marriage of you do..... However, they are what I have learned what works and doesn't work for us. So I'm sharing my experience in hope that it will encourage or inspire others in strengthening their marriage and not the opposite (falling away from each other or letting stuff get in the way of keeping your vows).
Feel Free to leave comments, your experiences or contact me if you'd like (peachykeen3@hotmail.com)