Friday, November 13, 2009

Unexpected Surprises

Before we get to far into the story, the surprise is not a bundle of joy but is still something to be joyous over. Wednesday night, Alex and I finally got to go out with some friends of ours since all of us got married (about a year, WOW!). We had a great time just hanging out like we use to and getting to be with friends was such a breath of fresh air. After visiting we still had to stop by Alex's sisters house to drop off something for Deer hunting for the weekend. On the way home Alex and I saw a house that was going up for aution Novemeber 22nd. Even though we are not looking for a home and are fine with our apartment God has given us, we were naturally curious. It was cute with a huge back yard. Very charming. We both liked it and thought we could at least check out the auction but weren't too serious about it all.

The next morning, we decided to have our date time that morning since Alex would be gone all weekend for Gun Season's opening day. So we went to Rick's for breakfast and then we went to look at the house again; to see what it looks like in the daytime. We fell a litle more in love with the amazing potential this home had. We had both always wanted a fixer upper or something we can update while making it our own. While we were really just "dreaming" the owner drove by and stopped to see what we were up to. We told him we were taking a look around and he then gladly offered to let us see the inside while talking to us about the house and the situation of the home.....

This is were it gets good but I have to leave this "to be continued" due to needing to get things setup for Night of Worship, I will finish the rest later on tonight.

TEASER....think of the Movie "UP"...yea it's really Good. God is the best :-)


Here is a link to the house on GoogleMap,+fayetteville,+ar&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=27.561629,36.210937&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1442+Old+Wire+Rd,+Fayetteville,+Washington,+Arkansas+72703&ll=36.081465,-94.146137&spn=0,359.991159&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=36.081547,-94.146116&panoid=0RmvA_1RXtC6y4pKbxKUlA&cbp=12,99.28,,0,3.53