Last night was my last night in my twenties. I wen to bed as 29 and woke 30. For Months now people have asked me, " are you scared", "do you feel older", "well 30 isn't that bad".... I never really felt any of that 30. In fact, I have never really felt any different about any other birthday. I always have seen birthdays as just another day except you get a cake with your name on it. And age, well it's just a number. Half the time when people ask me my age, I have to sit and think for a moment. (that's not a sign of getting "OLD"). Sincerely, I was trying to remember my age because I always feel younger than "my number". Like this year I would think 26ish but really it was 29.
Birthdays are a lot of fun! I look forward to see who truly cares enough to remember and send me birthday wishes. My mom will make me my favorite dessert and then there will be a family get-together. That is what I enjoy!
However this year was a little different. I wanted to do something special or unique to remember the day: like a party or something. But that didn't work out. Then i was going to go to a friends wedding but a phone call took longer, lost track of time and didn't get to go. Then I was going to hang out with a group from the ministry but it again a "no-go". Alex was working so not even a date with my hubby. It was my last night as 2o-something and I wanted to do something to give the 20 a proper "thanks and farwell" but nothing was working out.
I started to get a little down and started hearing these thoughts in my head "you have no friends bc you always work", "where is the excitement in your life", "I can't believe I'm all alone". WHERE WERE THESE THOUGHTS COMING FROM!? Satan was raining on my pre-birthday parade. I started to let him win when I decided to just go to bed. But before I laid down. I prayed,
"God, I know that these are LIES from Satan and he is only trying to ruin what can be a special memory for You and me. As I am Drawing Near to you these last couple of weeks, I feel we have gotten closer and closer. I understand the Amazement of my GOD and how You are ALWAYS my REFUGE just a little more each passing moment. Please help me to defeat this LIES. Help me to have peace and joy for in this special day."
Just about 20 minutes later Alex came home from work and said, "get dressed and let's go down to Dickson to see the BIKES and how much our tree has grown." "Baby, I'm already set for bed with my p.j's. lets just go to sleep", I replied. He persisted and got me up. We went and had a great time. But my favorite part was going to see OUR TREE!
You see, back in Oct. 5, 2007, it was the first time Alex and I got to hang out/talk. We had gone to a birthday party for a Rogers group (from the LIFE) that night and some people decided to go to Dickson for Bikes, Blues & BBQ. Alex and I get separated from the group and ended up in-front of a tree that was freshly planted in the sidewalk. We decided to stay there so we could find the group easier. Meanwhile, we got to know one another. It is where I first saw Alex for more than the gorgeous man he is. He was an amazing man of God with a passion like none other for God's people and WILL for his life. I don't know really how long we talked but the time was effortless. From there, the rest is history (ahhhhh).
The next BBBBQ that would come in 2008 we went back now being married and the tree had grown some but not much. But this year was the blessing of them all! The tree was so tall and bigger and fuller!
The tree was small and young and thin back in 2007. It was just planted and starting it's life. Then this tree survived the weather and elements (including the 2009 ice storm) and was still standing; as healthy as can be. The trunk was 3 times the diameter now. It was twice the height and was full of beautiful leaves. It was strong and sturdy. It even has some shade to it now.
Being the symbolic person I am, saw that tree as Alex and I's relationship. God had just brought us together and planted a seed in our hearts for one another and that tree was just starting off when we first stood there. But just like that tree, we had done so much to get where we are today. Alex and I had grown as one now and are stronger everyday as a family all due to the VAST GREATNESS of our GOD!
Earlier, I was telling you of my hard time with doing thing special as my last night in my Twenties and praying God to defeat Satans lies. Little did i know my LORD had been planning the ultimate Gift, and the answer to my prayers, 2 years ago when He introduced Alex to me and had the City of Fayetteville plant that Tree!
How great is our GOD! How AMAZINGLY LOVING is our GOD! How much does HE CARE for us, even in the smallest of things like a Birthday WISHES!
This morning my Draw Near quiet time was on "Deliverance & Answered Prayers" through Acts 12:1-17. How God delivered Peter from prison on behalf of Prayers lifted up to our LORD. I cried out to God and he delivered me from Satan into a blessing!
When we cry out to God, He does listen & Delivers us from all Evil!