First, Alex finished up another semester and got the news that he could be walking next May! That's right, my husband is is on his way to being a College Graduate and we are within the year marker! He is so smart and I could
not be more proud of the discipline and focus he has put into his school work over the last two years! It's yet another sign that we are were we are suppose to be doing what we are doing according to God's Will! What a blessing!
Immediately after that, we took a family road trip to Shereport, LA, for daddy's Doctoral Graduation! My dad has been working on this Doctorate for decades now. With a family to raise and a church to minister to and a wife to doesn't leave a lot of time. But as of May 7, 2010 my daddy became "DOCTOR CHARLIE LEE BROWN II". He finished his degree of Doctor of Philosophy & Christian Counseling!
Dad, mom, mom's mom, Rachael, Alex & myself met one of my dad's brothers and his son at the ceremony. We yelled and cheered him on as they called "Doctor Charlie Lee Brown II" up onto the stage. It was fun to hear a couple of snickers in the audience but when they say this 6'4" man walk across the stage it got pretty quiet. We also ran into an previous youth minister there from my jr.high years. Congrats Trey Talley!
It was also just a fun weekend to travel in the cars together, gas station stops and staying in the hotel together. We went out to eat and played around in the Outdoor store where there was a gun game all kinds of stuffed animals and a hug fish tank! Daddy even got to use his early birthday present, a GPS system! It was a lot of fun!
When we all got back from that weekend, that sunday was Mother's day. Now due to my job with the ministry, we went to Fellowship that morning, which was so fun because we got to watch the baby dedications of several of our friends. (The Gregory's with Emma Claire, the Horn's with Cooper and the Smith's with Lily)! Then we went to Aunt Charlotte's to celebrate Mother's day and Daddy's 55th birthday! Also my cousin's youngest son turned the sweet 16! I kind of felt old on that one because I remember holding him after he was! We had a great time with family. Something we haven't gotten to do in a while. One other great thing from that day was my cousin John, who got married to his lovely wife Holly about 5 years ago announced they were pregnant with their first! They have had trouble in the past but have kept the faith that God is going to provide. We are praying for them as Holly is almost, currently out of her first trimester! Praise God!
After that, my accomplishments in the Month of May included some spring cleaning and some craft projects to spurs up our home. I made a Welcome sign for our home with my Cricut and other materials (I have also added a cord cover to the string that hangs it...that is not in the picture above). I made couple of flower arrangements, covered a bolster for our bed made a cushion for a chair, painted a frame to make it look new, labels for my cooking material jars and more. More importantly I finished our Wedding Scrapbook!!!! Just before our 2 year Wedding Anniversary, but it is done! Someday we can have you all over for dinner and show it do you :-).
We are halfway through the month and we still have a lot. Next, we both got to spend some alone time with each other! We had a rough week (too much to go into) the 3rd week of May and we just decided to get up and go! We borrowed my dad's Pruis, got up with the Sun rise and headed to Branson for 30 hours (because we had to be back on Saturday afternoon). But from Friday morning until then we had each other and it was WONDERFUL!
We stayed at the Hilton at the Landing in Branson (wonderful hotel!). We ate at Lamberts "Home of the Thrown Rolls", which was my first time and I LOVED IT! We had ice cream on the river walk, enjoyed the pool and hot tub several times, slept in and enjoyed each other! There were no phones, emails, etc.....just each other. It was Heaven!
Once we got to visit my dad's church so Alex and I could tell Ridgeview Baptist Church about the trip to Haiti we are about to lead. See this little Church made a huge donation to our team for supplies and needs to go toward this Country when we go to minister in June. It was fun to speak together and share our hearts with them. Afterwards we got to stay for an ole' fashion PotLuck! I love these! It's like an oversize family events! We were truly blessed by those telling us they were praying for us and for us to show them how they are not this journey with us (this is my next blog, our mission trip coming up).
Next I got to spend sometime with my two best friends from College, of who we have not gotten together since in about a year and it's been 4 years since we have gone away together. So again, even for just one night, we all three met in Branson for hours of shopping and lots of catching-up. It was a lot of fun to see Ashley spend money money money, while us two married girls lived through her! Funny how things change! But what a great time with Ashley and Jenny! Friends are truly a blessing from our Lord!
To close out the month of May.... My Dad's mom is 84 years of age and lives by herself in South Houston. Even with some health problems she has maintained an independent lifestyle. However, one of my uncles was mowing her yard for her and when she come out to take a look at his work, she seemed to be different, stumbled and fell backwards hitting her head. She was conscious for the ride to the hospital but eventually was unconscious once they got there. It turned out she had a large TIA which was way she seemed different when she went out side and caused her to stumble. The bump on the head lead to a brain aneurism. The TIA has left some paralyzing in her right side. Due to her health history she was not a candidate for surgery for either the TIA or the Aneurism, so they decided to monitor her. That was Friday and Saturday, May 21-22nd. On Sunday the brothers decided, after the doctors observations, that they should put her on hopsice and the hopsice nurseries, there at the hospital, prepared the family that she could pass in the next 10-14 days. Today makes day 11 since the TIA and she is still unconscious. We are still waiting on when God will take her home. Please pray for our family and my grandmother in this time of her possible Homecoming. She is a believer in our Lord and has lived a great life. We have that much for our Comfort and Hope!
Now on a good note, Alex and I managed to get away one more time this last weekend. We left after his work on Friday and stayed in Little Rock until the last minute on Sunday. We hiked at Petite Jean mountain, rode our bikes, watched movies, slept in, ate cookie dough and enjoyed the benefits of full cable (bc we don't have it, smile).
Thanks, Vickie & David, for letting us getting away!!! Again, it was heaven!!! We can't wait until God's plan for us includes a HOUSE!
Now we are off to eat some steaks and potatoes with family top off the month!
Happy Memorial Day everyone!
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