Keeping in Tradition from last year is our list of things in review while living year #2 together in "Constant love":
- I got to see how Alex can over come difficulties and has amazing perseverance. He has completed yet another year with great discipline in wearing all of his hats (Godly man, husband, student, employee). God continues to help him finish out his Degree. At this pass I will be blogging of his graduation in MAY!
- This last year we started to find ourselves praying over and persuing possible houses to purchase. As we started the process of praying, researching, contracts, working with banks/realtors/etc,.....I learned how knowledgeable Alex is and see for myself his great eye for business. It was also such a time of bonding to see how we work together in such decisions, leaning on the Lord and each other, seeing how we have the same taste and expectations for a HOME. End result: no home for now, GOD'S ANSWER: "Wait. I have perfect timing!", An adventure for us.
- Alex threw me my very first Surprise Party Ever for my 30th Birthday.
- Went Skiing in Red River, NM, with the Constien/Tipton family for Christmas. It was a fun and long road trip. The cabin was beautiful and Alex and I even got to have a date there. We went to a local coffee shop (similar to our Arsaga's in Fayetteville) and Alex taught me how to play chess. I got Alex a ski lesson with an professional(winter Olympian) in Taos, NM (something he has always wanted to do). Also where I got my first Concussion.
- Bought a king size mattress set but couldn't afford a nice bed or headboard, so we made one.
- Working for the Church has so many rewards and joys, however big paychecks aren't one of them. There are times it can be a struggle but for the most part we are constantly shown how the Lord provides. It has been a blessing to see God ALWAYS multiply our "fish & loaves" when we thing the "basket is almost empty". First, in October, God gave Alex a job at Lewis -n- Clark in Springdale. It is close, flexible with his school schedule and understanding with mine so Alex can still, ever-so-often, still serve with me. He even has off Sundays to attend church with me. That is rare for Retail. Next, in December, the church was blessing to give something to the staff which was just enough in answering prayers in wanting just a little more breathing room financially. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!?!!
- Got to together, yet again, to Colorado to take the Singles skiing. I can't tell you the blessing in this. I love we don't have be separated during things like this. Not everyone gets this luxury (the time off, the money saved to pay for it, etc).
- We lead another mission trip, this time we served in Port au Prince, Haiti! What a blessing!!!!
- One thing to experience as a couple where you see the raw emotions and love for one another is the loss of a loved one. My dad's mom, Fannie Brown a.k.a. Grandma Brown, passed away days before we left for Haiti in June. Alex's willingness to be with me and to make anything happen so I can find my closure was so enduring and compassionate. One of the many things I feel in love with about him. It was a chance to see how he would be there for me and he exceded any expectations I might have had. What a man!
- Alex took me to many firsts: first time kayaking, first time to Lamberts (home of the thrown rolls), first time hike Petite Jean Mountain, first time to eat Duck.
- Went to my first Constien Family Reunion to experience a Potato Gun competition with fireworks and Potatoes, homemade catapults competing in watermelon and water balloon tosses and lots of food and huge Fireworks over July 4th!
There were more of lessons to learn as a family, life experiences to experience with one another, opportunities to support and love one another (like Alex completing another OutStanding Year of School! I'm so Proud). IT was a blessed year. We finished it off with Alex surprising me to a very nice night out at Bordino's! I have wanted to eat there for years now! So we got all dressed up and had dinner together. Afterwards, we walked down to Common Grounds to share dessert (10 pound chocolate cake). Lastly we went home to cuddle! One of my favorite pass times!
We give thanks for all of the memories and lessons we can take from last year. We give God all of the Glory for all things that come from us our home and our hearts. He is our provider, the Center of our Home and the reason we can be in "ConstantLove."