Friday, November 13, 2009
Unexpected Surprises
The next morning, we decided to have our date time that morning since Alex would be gone all weekend for Gun Season's opening day. So we went to Rick's for breakfast and then we went to look at the house again; to see what it looks like in the daytime. We fell a litle more in love with the amazing potential this home had. We had both always wanted a fixer upper or something we can update while making it our own. While we were really just "dreaming" the owner drove by and stopped to see what we were up to. We told him we were taking a look around and he then gladly offered to let us see the inside while talking to us about the house and the situation of the home.....
This is were it gets good but I have to leave this "to be continued" due to needing to get things setup for Night of Worship, I will finish the rest later on tonight.
TEASER....think of the Movie "UP"...yea it's really Good. God is the best :-)
Here is a link to the house on GoogleMap,+fayetteville,+ar&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=27.561629,36.210937&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1442+Old+Wire+Rd,+Fayetteville,+Washington,+Arkansas+72703&ll=36.081465,-94.146137&spn=0,359.991159&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=36.081547,-94.146116&panoid=0RmvA_1RXtC6y4pKbxKUlA&cbp=12,99.28,,0,3.53
Saturday, September 26, 2009
One more thing about 30 & To close.....
I found this speed limit sign on the Internet when I typed in "30 + images". It sums up how I feel about my birthday and where my life is going.
If you look at age as speed limits: when you are a child, you are poking along at speeds of 10, 15, 20 miles per hour. You are still getting used to the car, learning how to drive and getting comfortable with what speeds you can handle.
Still at a cautious speed. Even in your twenties, you are still learning who you are and what you’re suppose to do with your life!
But with your 30’s, it seems that you are really starting to gain some speed now. The momentum is picking up and you are really getting somewhere! You are doing more; mostly due to having more confidence in what you can do and go through.
I loved my twenties. There was a lot I experienced (from deep valleys of hurts to amazing mountain tops of JOY). My twenties gave me a world of Memories and got me here, where I am today. But 30’s feel like they have a lot in store for me and are going to be super adventurous. So, I say this next thing with great excitement,
“My 30’s hold the Best of the Best that has yet to come!”
Today I'm 30!
Last night was my last night in my twenties. I wen to bed as 29 and woke 30. For Months now people have asked me, " are you scared", "do you feel older", "well 30 isn't that bad".... I never really felt any of that 30. In fact, I have never really felt any different about any other birthday. I always have seen birthdays as just another day except you get a cake with your name on it. And age, well it's just a number. Half the time when people ask me my age, I have to sit and think for a moment. (that's not a sign of getting "OLD"). Sincerely, I was trying to remember my age because I always feel younger than "my number". Like this year I would think 26ish but really it was 29.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Did you know your parents get older?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Musical chairs
Thursday, July 9, 2009
1 Year of Marriage Down and Looking forward to the Next 50 PLUS
Sunday was our first year anniversary! The first year flew by and I have to say it was a great First Year. I was thinking back on all the things we did, what new things we tried and new memories we made, lessons we learned and here a few things I came up with:
- Becoming Mrs. SEC (Sarah Elizabeth Constien)
- Buying our first Car together
- Getting kicked out of our Hotel on our Honeymoon night due to Fire alarms (long and funny story)
- Leading a Mission Trip of 20 Singles in their 20's after being married 5 days and then going on our Honeymoon (completely a God Thing!)
- Going to Jamaica together
- Scuba Diving for the first time together and first time in Open Waters (seeing a nerf shark, albino flounder, lobster & more)
- Zip Lining through a Rainforest TreeTop
- Kayaking in the Ocean
- Couples Massage
- Making all of those Returns & Exchanges of Gifts (two full 4-Runners worth & me not allowed to make returns to Wal-mart for a whole year! lol)
- Cutting all of my hair off and your mo-hawk for Turkey Bowl
- Your Christmas Tree Costume for leaders Christmas Party!
- Learning to Fly Fish
- Going on hikes together
- Our First Christmas together
- Playing t
he ICE together, staying at my parents during the storm of January 2009. Praying I wouldn't lose you when you were rewiring the house for the generator :-) - Learning you are a great and messy Cook
- Leading a small group together
- Learning you will vacuum and mop if I will clean the toilets
- Learning to how to combine two people's schedules (school + ministry) - (that's on going)
- Skiing together at Winter Park and partly losing each other in a mini blizzard
- Guatemala Summer Mission Trip of 2009 (enough said)
- Dancing in Antigua to live band
- Going Canoeing together for the First time (great times)
- A Weekend to Remember Get-a-way
- Going to our First Midnight Movie ever (Transformers II)
- Our First year Anniversary Adventure to the big LR
- Going to Wild River Country and being Kids together
- Riding a bikes along the river and seeing Deer along the way
- Brunch at the Clinton Museum
- Falling more in love with Alex every day and how he still takes my breath away every time he kisses me.
- Experiencing what a great listener you are
- Finding my one True Love ( my husband, Alex) He stretches me in ways that make me a better person.
Friday, June 26, 2009
So much has happened in almost a month. Alex and I took a group of 20 and 30 yr olds to an orphanage just outside of Guatemala City earlier this month. We went to panel some dorms but mostly to love on the children. Our theme versus was in Matt. 19. When people brought the children to Jesus for Him to touch them and bless them, He did just that. He loved on them, blessing them and nothing more; which was even more of a blessing to everyone on the team. Then for our day off we went to Antigua for half a day. The picture here is when the team ate at Posada de Don Rodrigo where Alex and I got to waltz with live musicians!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
One of the many things I learned and value is a thought on the statment, "Marriage is 50/50." This is to imply it is a partnership where everyone is to equally give and take. That everyone shares the load and works together. While, impart, that is mostly true so people tend to look at it as, "PK, I see how I have more than done my share but where is my spouse doing their part? I think I can take it down a bit and they can pick up the slack in order to do their half." WHILE the other spouse is thinking the same thing and before you know it, both parties have done their share of backing off and now on one is doing anything!
Now what if instead of things it is a 50/50 partnership, we all thought of it like a chance of service to the ones we love and we GAVE IT ALL WE'VE GOT. Then we take on a new challenge/statement of.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Fiddler on the Roof
Monday, May 11, 2009
The 1, 2, 3 of being a Godly Mother
- From Hannah in 1 Samuel 1, we see that a godly mother trust God with her children, Prays to God for her children & deadicates her Children to God.
- Mary teaches us in Luke 1:26-33, a Godly Mother humbly submits hersefl to God's Will/Word/Ways.
- Eunice shows us in Acts 16, a Godly Mother believes, lives & transmits(passes along) "The WORD" to her children.
What a Blessing and a Legacy we can give our children if we strive to the above for our families and future families.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Marriage tip #3: Honesty is the best Policy...just remember GRACE
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Marriage Tip #2: Weekend Get-a-ways as AWESOME!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Marriage tip #1: Time-Management with Date Nights
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Our new Life together
When I was picking our our "Blog Title" I struggled with coming up with something catchy, cute and accurate. I started to pick the Cruisin' Constiens bc I feel that God has and will keep us moving. Cruising is defined as "sailing about in an area without a precise destination: e.g. for pleasure." Alex and I know we have a direction that points to God and pleasing Him in all that we do. However, when God asks us to move, sometimes or mostly, we may not know why and for what reason. We only have our directions to the next point, not the end destination. So with great joy/pleasure, we say YES and we go without knowing the "precise destination." Sounds like Crusin' Constiens could be a great fit. But then I thought of another one: Curious Constiens.
We all know the books "Curious George", with the monkey who is always getting into something and somehow getting into trouble but finding an adventure along the way. Now, before you start thinking the Constiens are nothing but trouble, let me explain! Between the two of us, we love to try to understand and learn from our past. And even though neither us love drama, go looking to get in the middle of anything, so how get get there anyways. I just chalk it up to living life. I think that is all George ever does, which is a wonderful illustration for my wonderful Alex. I tell him he is more "curious than causes" (quote from the Incredible Hulk Movie). He thinks more about enjoying and experiencing everything rather than what would be the outcome. I love to understand and one of my first words in life was "why" but to compliment Alex's personality, I tend to be more of the man in the yellow hat. I think about the outcomes and what needs to be accomplished before the adventure can happen. That is where God has perfectly paired us up for each other. Alex helps me to just be and live in order to not miss such great adventures. Where as I can assist in thinking things through when necessary to get to the rest of the adventures. Seeing how and why God paired us up together is just ONE of the many ways God has imprinted His fingerprints upon our life as the Curious Constiens.