However, after about a 1 and a half, we found this sweet orange tabby kitten in the parking lot of our apartment complex. She was young, but old enough to be de-clawed and fixed. She was friendly and clean however there were some wield cats around and we were worried about her safety. So we kept her trying to find her owners but no one claimed her. So Alex, such the sweet husband he is, insisted we keep her. I tried to talk him out of it knowing he knew nothing of living with a cat and the first time she made a mess...I wasn't looking forward to it.
Nevertheless, we kept her and named her "Bitsy" because she was "itsy-bitsy" and she has been the sweetest thing. God gave us the perfect cat for Alex. She acts like a dog sometimes and they play all the time. So great!
Which brings me to my "IF I COULD I WOULD".....I would get Alex the puppy of his dreams.....
They are known as a happy and intelligent breed whose courage, working ability and love of water mesh best with active, outdoor-loving families. Their coats are short and come in three main colors. The above dark brown is close to the color that Alex wants. I can't stand how we don't have the time, room, yard, etc to get one for Alex. I pray every day that God allows us to get one for him. Until then, every where we go he plays with other people's dogs. Some day! Say a pray with me, I know God hears us and HE WILL PROVIDE!!!!
Nice pictures. I hope you get your Chessie someday!
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