Wednesday, December 8, 2010

On the 7th Day of Christmas...Michael Buble

Michael Buble! A couple of weeks ago, life was a beyond just challenging. I felt like the more I tried to proclaim 1 Peter 5:7, the more Satan through more Worries at me. And just when I was what felt like a breaking point, my Lord sustained me (Psalms 55:22) and we were blessed with something wonderful!

Michael Buble (there is an italic above the E) is a favorite of mine due to the style of singing. I am a romantic at heart and I have always loved the era of the Rat-Pack. I believe Michael's vocal talents and performance captures the same presences. However tickets are outrageous!

So when I heard that Magic 107.9 was giving away tickets I thought I would take a shot at it. I got to listen to the morning show, waited for the song "HOME" (which one of the songs I played a lot when I hoped God would bring Alex and I back together when he was in Chile) to be played and called in hoping to be Caller #5. By only the Grace of God....I WAS CALLER #5!

I have never won anything like this.....ALL THE MORE TO KNOW THAT THIS WAS ALL GOD'S BLESSING!

So with all that said, tonight is the Concert and Alex and I are headed there right now! Today I revisit a moment of where my God heard me yet again and answered by His own will and timing!
I found Joy is Seeing my God work in mysterious ways and enjoying the musical talents of Michael Buble with my one and only Earthly LOVE, my husband, Alex Constien. Who also is making a sacrifice of STudy time to go with me!

"Cry Me a River" is a great classic by Arthur Hamilton in the 50's.

"Kissing a Fool" is another Classic. I love the drama of this song at 2:30. Listen to at least that part!

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